Clear Aligners Specialist

Kay & Cortopassi Orthodontics -  - Orthodontist

Kay & Cortopassi Orthodontics

Orthodontists located in Montgomery, IL & Sandwich, IL

Would you like to straighten your smile without a mouth full of brackets and wires? If so, clear aligners might be a great option, and are among the areas of specialty for C. Neil Kay, BDS, MS, of Kay & Cortopassi Orthodontics in Montgomery and Sandwich, Illinois, and serving the nearby areas of Aurora, Oswego, and Yorkville. Clear aligners are a versatile and effective way to improve the appearance of your smile, so book a consultation today to learn more. You can request an appointment online, or you can always call to speak with a member of the administrative staff.

Clear Aligners Q&A

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners are an alternative to traditional metal braces. They work by using a series of clear plastic trays to gently and safely shift teeth into optimal positioning. 

The process begins with a one-on-one consultation. During your visit, your orthodontist evaluates your smile, discusses your treatment goals, and gathers digital imaging that further details the shape and alignment of your teeth.  

Kay & Cortopassi Orthodontics uses the very latest technology to guide treatment planning. Imaging platforms include the VatechⓇ Green CBCT digital imaging system and the iTeroⓇ Element intraoral scanner. 

If you decide to move forward with clear aligners, you’ll wear your trays around the clock, removing them only to eat, drink, and perform your oral hygiene routines. Every few weeks you’ll change to a new set of trays, and come into the office for periodic checkups. 

There are several clear aligners systems to choose from, and your orthodontist can guide you toward the options best suited for your specific alignment needs. InvisalignⓇ and the Spark™ system are among the available options. 

Why choose clear aligners?

Clear aligners are a very popular choice among individuals of all ages. Perhaps the biggest advantage over traditional metal braces is the opportunity to perfect your smile without the glint and gleam of metal brackets and wires. 

Most people won’t even notice that you’re wearing your clear aligners. You’ll be able to speak normally, and you’ll even wear your trays while you sleep. 

Clear aligners also make it easier to keep your teeth clean during treatment. You’ll remove your aligners while you brush and floss. Bracket-based alignment systems create many places for plaque and bacteria to hide, and hygiene is a bit more complicated.  

Kay & Cortopassi Orthodontics is proud to offer the Spark™ clear aligner system, an option that has smooth edges for a more comfortable fit. This system is also very efficient, bringing you closer to your perfect smile with a shorter overall treatment time. 

Spark aligners are also among the clearest on the market. They also resist staining, so most people won’t ever notice you’re wearing your trays.    

Am I a good candidate for clear aligners?

Systems like InvisalignⓇ and the Spark™ system can address most of the same alignment problems as metal braces. During your initial consultation, you’ll learn whether clear alignment systems are a good fit for your treatment needs and goals. 

Another important consideration is your ability to adhere to treatment instructions. With traditional braces, you can’t remove the brackets if your teeth feel sore. 

Clear aligners, however, can be popped in and out whenever you choose. To be a good candidate for clear aligners, you must be willing and able to keep wearing your aligners, even during the days when they feel “tight” and create a degree of soreness. 

If you’re ready to explore clear aligners in more detail, call the Kay & Cortopassi Orthodontics office nearest you to book a personalized consultation. You can also try the fast and easy online booking tool to request a time that fits your busy schedule.